
How to Join

Our intent is to make it simple for people to gain the information they need in time to make a difference. The stepped up ‘roll out’ of 5G is only complicating matters that require careful analysis — and there needs to be a moratorium on 5G until its safety, or lack thereof, can be properly […]

Critical Issues Events Featured Health Risks International Lawsuits Legal NEWS Worldwide Pushback

French farmers sue the state over mystery cow deaths they blame on electromagnetic fields

“We also have had blind calves with holes in their heads and deformed limbs that end up going round in circles and banging their heads on the walls,” he added. Others can no longer walk or refuse to be milked and produce very little, as well as bullocks that are stunted.

Critical Issues In The News Lawsuits Legal National

Four More U.S. Cities Face 5G Lawsuits

Note: Here are stories of several cities who face suits in addition to Los Altos: 1) Torrance: 2) Town of Hempstead (near New York): The Town of Hempstead is being sued for their intent to take down 152 nodes in the city. They’re already been installed vs. Los Altos where they haven’t deployed them yet […]

State By State

Finding Your Home Base

Finding those people in your area that are interested in accomplishing the same thing you hope to accomplish can be a wonderful thing. When it counts, larger groups of people are much harder to ignore — and, typically, time is of the essence — especially when you’re battling against 5G towers and networks in your […]

Critical Issues Politics

Federal and State Bills

A.    FEDERAL AND STATE BILLS ·       H.R.530 January 2019 Accelerating Broadband Development by Empowering Local Communities Act of 2019 ·       S.B.  2012 June 2019 Cosponsored by Senator Dick Durbin ·       Portland, Oregon 24th March 2019:  Portland City officials state clear opposition to the installation of 5G networks on health grounds, supported by the mayor and two commissioners. ·       Louisiana:  June 2019 Louisiana Becomes First […]


FCC: Response to 5G Concerns

The FCC has asked for comments about health effects and the comments are due today. Here are a few links: From FCC:Released: May 15, 2020OFFICE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY EXTENDS COMMENT AND REPLY COMMENTDEADLINES FOR HUMAN EXPOSURE TO RADIOFREQUENCY ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDSPROCEEDINGET Docket No. 19-226Revised Comment Date: June 17, 2020


Educate Yourself!

This PDF is 45 PAGES of critical information that you — and your family — desperately need. We and those we are partnering with are working nonstop to provide you with the information you need to keep yourself and those you love safe from the onslaught of dangerous [accumulative] radiation that is wreaking havoc with […]

5G and Weaponry Featured Health Risks In The News Legal NEWS


by Anthony Bevin Viral infections and radiation sickness exhibit similar symptoms. China and Italy, where the most coronavirus cases are being detected, have lead the way in 5G tower installations. Few countries across the globe have banned 5G towers. Could coronavirus be misdiagnosed as radiation exposure from our need for high-speed Internet? We’ve outlined key […]


Contact Us

We’re available to assist you with your concerns about 5G and will assist you in fighting back against the widespread use of this technology. Contact us via the below form, phone or email and let us know how we can help! Content Submissions or questions: or just call: 877.223.1968

Events Membership


There are things you can do to stop/prevent/arrest/postpone the rollout of 5G in your own neighborhoods in favor of finding safe alternatives. Don’t give up on working to inform those that are in a position to change the existing technology for technology that doesn’t radiate the masses. This operation began as California Issues Reform. It […]

Read Scientists Against 5G

Conclusion: Clear Evidence of Cancer

The peer review panel voted that the malignant schwannoma tumors found in the heart of male rats be scientifically categorized as “clear evidence of carcinogenicity” and that the malignant gliomas found in the brain of male rats be categorized as “some evidence of carcinogenicity.” In addition, they voted that the increased tumors of the adrenal […]

5G and Weaponry Education Fact from Fiction Health Risks Orientation

Citizen Journalism

Dana Ashlie is an online personality who was exposing 5G and the relationship to Corona [COVID-19, as it’s known now], exposing some of the most well-concealed documentation pertinent to this issue from the earliest days. This video is from February. The information it contains clearly shows that citizen journalists are often far ahead of the […]

5G and Weaponry Act Now Critical Issues FCC Featured

Children’s Health Defense 5G Antenna Letter to the FCC

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) submitted a legal notice to the FCC against the OTARD rule expansion, signed by over 15,000 people. At 735 pages, it is likely one of the largest submissions to the FCC in number of signatories. Of those who signed, 6,231 declared that they and/or their children have been injured by wireless radiation.

5G and Weaponry Act Now Critical Issues Doctors Against 5G Featured Health Risks

Bristol FB Group Looks to 5G to Explain Suicide Clusters

“Students are exposed to a relatively high background of microwave radiation everywhere they go and in everything they do. Some lectures are taught ‘over the internet’ using WIFI, which means they are in exposure environments characterised by pulsed microwave signals day in and day out.”


Bill Kaspers, Esq. v. Verizon

Attorney Bill Kaspers filed suit against Verizon last week in federal court with the Northern District of Georgia. The grounds for the suit are (1) unlawful trespass and property devaluation, (2) unlawful taking of property and of the joy and benefits of home ownership, (3) fraud (no notice), (4) section 1983 of acting under color of state […]

Act Now Education Featured NEWS Organization Directory

Anti-5G Organizations

The World is Battling Against 5G The world is fighting 5G— even as the efforts to blanket the earth are unfolding.   International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space ARGENTINA ORGANIZATIONSAsociación Vecinal Dr. Enrique Finochietto, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Marcela julia Tarraf, Leader and CoordinatorForo Ambiental Santiagueño, Santiago del Estero, Roberto Rabello, Coordinator, Observatorio […]

5G and Weaponry FCC Featured In The News Lawsuits Legal NEWS Read

An Environmental Attorney Reviews 5G and the FCC

5G and the FCC: 10 Reasons Why You Should Care  Natural Resources Defense Council Feb. 14, 2019 10:30AM ESTINSIGHTS + OPINION Sharon BuccinoECOWATCH.ORG As an environmental lawyer for over 25 years now, I have become intimately familiar with the workings of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of the Interior. I didn’t […]


Act Now

We are constantly working to make participation EASIER for our members as well as the people already involved in this movement. Look for our ACTION ITEMS posted throughout the site!

NEWS Newsletter

5GFree Newsletter 5-18-2020

Protect yourselves and your city against the 5 G Roll-out! We have been quiet but that doesn’t mean that we haven’t accomplished alot to secure the health of cities across California during this pandemic. The City of Simi Valley secured a freeze on all wireless applications during the State of Emergency. Send this letter to your city […]

Act Now Conference Calls Critical Issues Featured In The News Lawsuits Legal NEWS

5GFree California

Time is of the essence in stopping the 5G Rollout. Please join us for these important meetings and actions.  Hope to see you virtually! July 30: Press Conference Webinar Featuring Attorneysfrom Childrens Health Defense v FCC Of all the lawsuits we are supporting, this one is moving the fastest. Tune in on Thursday, July 30 at 12:30 […]


5G Summit: Josh del Sol

When you register to attend this event, you will gain access to information via interviews with a variety of professionals dedicated to exposing the truth about 5g and the inherent dangers that accompany the roll-out currently underway worldwide. Click HERE to visit the site and register for this opportunity. Time is of the essence.

Featured In The News Politics Press Releases Read

5G FREE Website: Press Release

Interactive Site Provides Accessibility and Information for Activists and Citizens 5G Free.Org is the Largest grassroots activist group in the world focused on 5G small cell facilities and radiation emitting devices. Dedicated to the education of citizens and potential activists alike, the site is designed to afford virtually everyone the opportunity to learn about small […]


5G Free California.Org

Find Us in Forums! Click here! 5G Free California started in 2018 as a group of 4 women, and as of May 2020 we have over 1,000 participants. We work statewide, nationally, and globally, through our collaboration with, 5G Crisis, and Stop 5G International.   Our focus is on education, motivation, outreach, community organizing, broad collaboration, and solutions […]

State By State

5G Deployment Laws by State

STATE-BY-STATE 5G SMALL CELL STATE LAWS ALABAMA At this time, no legislation has been introduced to the Alabama legislature that deals with small cell deployments. However, AT&T is actively lobbying the state legislature in Alabama in hopes of getting small cell bill in the next session. Fred McCallum, president of AT&T Alabama, published an editorial […]


5G Antennas

5G antennas are sometimes obvious while other times they may be hidden or disguised. Our members have compiled images of different antennas to view. You can discuss antenna identification and spotting in our antenna group. [mpp-show-gallery id=2654]

Critical Issues

5G and Mind Control

1985 — CNN SPECIAL REPORT Imagine the implications: a weapon that could be utilized without leaving a trace; a weapon that could debilitate soldiers in a war zone, making them disoriented and tranquilized. A weapon that could knock out tanks, ships and planes as fast as a beam of light. Radio frequency weapons , they […]

5G and Weaponry Critical Issues Featured Health Risks In The News Legal NEWS

5G and Its Privacy, Health and Safety Implications

Many have read articles about how 5G is going to kill us all. I work for a major tech company, and I’m somewhat of an authority on this subject. I encourage you to read through this lengthy article as you won’t read a more informative vision into our privacy invading future, I can promise you […]