5G and Weaponry Act Now Critical Issues Doctors Against 5G Featured Health Risks

Bristol FB Group Looks to 5G to Explain Suicide Clusters

“Students are exposed to a relatively high background of microwave radiation everywhere they go and in everything they do. Some lectures are taught ‘over the internet’ using WIFI, which means they are in exposure environments characterised by pulsed microwave signals day in and day out.”

5G and Weaponry Act Now Critical Issues Doctors Against 5G Featured In The News NEWS Press Releases

Report: CORONAVIRUS HOAX: Fake Virus Pandemic Fabricated to Cover-Up Global Outbreak of 5G Syndrome

So for what possible reason would government take steps to remove hydroxychloroquine from the shelves of pharmacies throughout the United States and Mexico? This is what happened as citizens have reported — across the board — that pharmacies told them when they requested this product, legal since the 1930’s and offered in many nations as […]

Act Now Communication Critical Issues Doctors Against 5G Featured In The News Legal NEWS What’s News

Open Letter to the FCC on 5G: from 400 Medical Professionals

Within less than a week, OVER 400 MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS signed a letter penned by the team at 5G CRISIS.ORG, calling out the FCC’s failure to acknowledge science and protect the American public from exposure to wireless radiation. We want to express our deep thanks to all that signed and to all that helped us circulate this critical […]

Doctors Against 5G Fact from Fiction Orientation Read Scientists Against 5G What’s News

Restricted Information

Microsoft’s Former Canadian President Frank Clegg on Safe Technology https://youtu.be/h4TdY344Now Get Educated! Take the Initiative! Visit the Environmental Health Trust Visit Canadians for Safe Technology Visit Physicians for Safe Technology Visit SaferEMR.Com Frank Clegg, like other knowledgeable insiders, knows that there are safer alternatives than the technology now radiating our world. Other countries have taken […]

Doctors Against 5G Education In The News NEWS Read

“We Have No Reason to Believe 5G is Safe”

— ScientificAmerican.Com The telecommunications industry and their experts have accused many scientists who have researched the effects of cell phone radiation of “fear mongering” over the advent of wireless technology’s 5G. Since much of our research is publicly-funded, we believe it is our ethical responsibility to inform the public about what the peer-reviewed scientific literature […]