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5G and Weaponry Act Now Critical Issues Doctors Against 5G Featured In The News NEWS Press Releases

Report: CORONAVIRUS HOAX: Fake Virus Pandemic Fabricated to Cover-Up Global Outbreak of 5G Syndrome

So for what possible reason would government take steps to remove hydroxychloroquine from the shelves of pharmacies throughout the United States and Mexico? This is what happened as citizens have reported — across the board — that pharmacies told them when they requested this product, legal since the 1930’s and offered in many nations as […]


5G and Weaponry Critical Issues Featured Health Risks In The News Legal NEWS

5G and Its Privacy, Health and Safety Implications

Many have read articles about how 5G is going to kill us all. I work for a major tech company, and I’m somewhat of an authority on this subject. I encourage you to read through this lengthy article as you won’t read a more informative vision into our privacy invading future, I can promise you […]

New documentary film lifts the lid on inherent dangers of 5G

5G Rollout Postponed Due to Health Concerns

Doctors Against 5G Fact from Fiction Orientation Read Scientists Against 5G What’s News

Restricted Information

Microsoft’s Former Canadian President Frank Clegg on Safe Technology Get Educated! Take the Initiative! Visit the Environmental Health Trust Visit Canadians for Safe Technology Visit Physicians for Safe Technology Visit SaferEMR.Com Frank Clegg, like other knowledgeable insiders, knows that there are safer alternatives than the technology now radiating our world. Other countries have taken […]

Conclusion: Clear Evidence of Cancer

Doctors and Scientists from across the globe are requesting moratoriums on 5G

Events Featured Health Risks Media NEWS Read

Virtual Press Conference July 29th by Children’s Health Defense RE: 5G

Join Robert F. Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense for a live, virtual press conference on Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 3 p.m. ET/12 noon PT to discuss this exciting milestone in our landmark case against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) – the submission of the evidentiary brief. To fulfill our commitment to stopping the harmful exposure […]

5G and Weaponry Act Now Critical Issues Featured Health Risks In The News Legal NEWS Worldwide Pushback

5G Rollout Postponed Due to Health Concerns

Sandy Springs [GA] has ordered the installation of Verizon 5G poles to half indefinitely, citing the pandemic. The city has ordered a Stop Work Order on all installations.

Critical Issues Featured Health Risks International NEWS Successes Worldwide Pushback


‘Based on the results of scientific research carried out in recent years, including in the framework of multicenter studies to ensure safe digital educational technologies for the health of children under the auspices of the Departments of Medical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.”

Critical Issues Events Featured Health Risks International Lawsuits Legal NEWS Worldwide Pushback

French farmers sue the state over mystery cow deaths they blame on electromagnetic fields

“We also have had blind calves with holes in their heads and deformed limbs that end up going round in circles and banging their heads on the walls,” he added. Others can no longer walk or refuse to be milked and produce very little, as well as bullocks that are stunted.

Act Now Featured Membership Orientation Worldwide Pushback

Videos: Making Information Easy!

Videos make learning easier! They supply everything needed for every type of learner —- and you can multitask while playing them!

International Worldwide Pushback

The Worldwide Pushback Against 5G

Not many countries in the world will be untouched by 5G. The plan, in fact, is to blanket the world in its shadow — the reason the satellites will soon be beaming 5G from space to earth. But not everyone is happy with this decision and the roll out, sped up to accommodate the needs […]

Doctors Against 5G In The News Scientists Against 5G Worldwide Pushback

Doctors and Scientists from across the globe are requesting moratoriums on 5G

They, Doctors and Scientists, both groups, ow number in the hundreds. There IS SAFE TECHNOLOGY. Why isn’t it being utilized in favor of a safer, more secure environment?

More Reading

Protected: Monday 2 PM Conference Call

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The Worldwide Pushback Against 5G

Not many countries in the world will be untouched by 5G. The plan, in fact, is to blanket the world in its shadow — the reason the satellites will soon be beaming 5G from space to earth. But not everyone is happy with this decision and the roll out, sped up to accommodate the needs […]


Professionals from all walks of life have stepped up to educate and inform people about 5G. 

‘Contact Tracing’ Using Your Phone: Unconstitutional In Florida, plans to track COVID-19 through our cell phones are unconstitutional | Opinion BY KRISANNE HALL MAY 29, 2020 04:54 PM A coronavirus contact-tracing app was tested on the Isle of Wight in May. GETTY IMAGES Floridians will be forced to pay enormous court fees and settlements if our counties continue with proposed plans […]


States Studying 5G Issue

Here is a list of states who have passed or introduced legislation to study the health/environmental/insurance issues related to 5G: 1) Louisiana is the first state to call for their own independent study of the technology.  House Resolution No. 145 passed 103 in favor zero against. The language of HR 145 outlines the reasons that Louisiana state representatives felt […]

Opponents of 5G networks set fire to Cyprus’ mobile antennas

— AP NEWS NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — A small group of people who oppose 5G mobile telephone technology is likely responsible for arson attacks against four mobile telephone antenna installations in Cyprus’ coastal town of Limassol, a Cypriot police official said Friday. Police spokesman Christos Andreou told The Associated Press that law enforcement authorities have […]

Sharon Goldberg Explains 5G Danger and Conflicts of Interest on the Part of Watchdog Organizations

“Wireless radiation has biological effects — period. They’re seen in all life forms. In humans, we have clear evidence of damage: NO QUESTION. There’s no question whether these biological effects exist — they clearly do,”

Protected: Health Implications: Where would you like to start?

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