Nevada County Public Working Group on Telecommnications – Who We Are

Nevada County Public Working Group on Telecommnications – Who We Are

The PWG represents community concerns for protecting public interests, property value, and health and safety from intrusive and harmful effects of wireless technologies, including 5G. We support secure, high performance innovative telecommunications technologies that serve the advancement and safety of all.

Parents and children, professionals, business owners and employees, visitors and all community members deserve access to safer efficient telecommunications technologies, and to be protected from effects of unregulated wireless radiofrequency emissions.

Volunteers throughout Nevada County have donated hundreds of hours in testimony and professional expertise, with City staff, their attorneys and consultants, to improve the Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTF) Ordinance that the Nevada City, City Council adopted on Sept 25, 2019.   Recommendations from legal, scientific and technology experts, and the public, have been ignored and the Council passed an ordinance that provides little protections to our community or oversight of the telecoms.

Core members of the Nevada County Public Working Group on Telecommunications (PWG) are Craig Fiels, MCRP, city planner/policy analyst, Johanna Finney, wireless policy consultant, and Joy Brann, MPH, environmental health policy. Please join us, we need you!

New Report
