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Forum Help

We will be adding instructions, video and other tips on using the forums here.

The discussion forums are based on the buddypress platform. There is quite a bit of information to be found at their site on using the platform.

Tip: If you add more than 2 links in an update it will trigger a built in spam rule and the activity update will not post.

Tip: Group Descriptions can be edited by group admins. The description will be displayed on the group home page.

Tip: Embedding videos, images, and other content from web sites that are oEmbed compliant works best.

If you have questions about the functionality of the site — or you have any issues that you can’t resolve — do call us, free, for assistance at 877.223.1968. Our tech people are on California time so do bear that in mind if you’re in central or eastern time zones.

We’re here to help — and we do look forward to hearing from you.

Tip: If you are embedding from the permalink of another wordpress site the best results are found when the site has the post/page excerpt and featured image properly configured.

Supported Markup

<i>TEXT HERE</i>
<em>TEXT HERE</em>
Enclosed text will turn to italics.

<b>TEXT HERE</b>
<strong>TEXT HERE</strong>
Enclosed text will turn bold.

<a href="">TEXT HERE</a>
Enclosed text will turn into a link to the address you put inside the quotes.
(The address must be the exact complete URL as copied from the address bar of your browser.)

<blockquote>TEXT HERE</blockquote>
<cite>TEXT HERE</cite>
<q>TEXT HERE</q>
Enclosed text is a quotation. 

<del>TEXT HERE</del>
<strike>TEXT HERE</strike>
Enclosed text will show up with a strikethrough line.

<pre>TEXT HERE</pre>
If you copy-paste some text from a text editor, 
enclosing it this way will preserve multiple 
spaces and line breaks.

<code>CODE HERE</code>
Displays computer code. Can’t be used to display html tags.

<abbr>WORD HERE</abbr>
<acronym>WORD HERE</acronym>
Enclosed word is an abbreviation or an acronym. 
No difference visually. 
Practically useless unless in conjunction with the title attribute.

Adding this to the opening tag of a link,
an abbreviation or an acronym will make the text 
you put inside the quotes pop up upon hover over.

Do you need to have a group created? Do you need to be the administrator of an existing group? You ask for help at

Ask for more help

[contact-form-7 id=”1893″ title=”5G FREE Forum help request”]

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